How to Patch Cracks

This is one of the cracks we found under the paneling we removed at my Parent’s house. You could read about that here. This is above the doorway in their foyer.
The first thing to do to repair a crack like this is to scrape off any rough spots. DSCI1023
The next thing to do is to put drywall tape over the crack. I really like to use this fiberglass mesh type. It has one side that is sticky and the mesh allows the joint compound to go through to the wall.DSCI1026_thumb[1]The next step is to use a joint compound and putty knives to cover the tape. I like to used several coats to give it a nice smooth finish. I always sand lightly between coats. The joint compound I use is either the ready mix in a bucket, or a powder that needs to be mixed with water. If I have a big job I will use the powder but if not I will use the ready mix.DSCI1069_thumb You could see the patched crack above, to the left of the door.DSCI1030
Here is the foyer after we patched, painted, replaced the tile, and replaced the trim.
DSCI0231Here is a picture before we removed the paneling.2010-05 144


  1. Wow what a transformation!! I just found your blog from your feature on Thrifty Decor Chick. Congrats!! I am now a new follower. Come check me out if you get a chance.


  2. It looks gorgeous! The white really pops. I found you through Thrifty Decor Chick and I just had to follow. Can't wait to come back and browse around a bit later tomorrow when I have some time.

    What a beautiful family you have, and such a blessing to have so many. I always wanted a big family but the Lord only blessed us with two. Still, I am very thankful for my precious boys!

  3. Wow what gorgeous transformation! I also found your blog via Thrifty Decor Chick.

    I've been a follower of your daughter's blog ....House of Grace for some time now and really enjoy it. I also follow your son's blog ... White house black shutter. I didn't even know the two were related...ha..ha!

    I'm Joy from Thrifty Parsonage Living and I'm a new follower of your blog. I've been enjoying browsing around your blog. It's great to find someone who loves a large family. Large families are a true blessing, we had 6 children ourselves.

  4. Love your blog! I'm trying to start out our large family (we're only at 2) so it's lovely to see someone else with one =)

    Do you homeschool your children? I thought I read that you did but maybe not!


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