Homemade Giardiniera



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Homemade Giardiniera

Do you like Giardiniera? There is nothing better than when it is homemade. I have only made this a couple of times, it is easy to make and is delicious. I found this recipe on Allrecipes.com. I like using this website, although I usually alter recipes a little do to what I have on hand. They are still delicious!

I bought this big box of all

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The Olympics are over but the adrenalin lives on. The USA rocked this summer didn’t they?

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Celebrating our 29th Anniversary!

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Last week was another busy week for us. We celebrated 29 years of marriage, our daughter’s birthday, and our son’s  birthday. We also had guest in from out of town, a 50th birthday party to go to, and my Mother-in-law had a hip replacement, who is now having complications from that. (Please pray that she recovers quickly.)

2012-07-21 Jim Stari's 50th Birthday party 2012-07-21 007