Mexican Taco Casserole! Yum, Yum!

Hi everyone! It has been awhile since I have posted. My time has been occupied with many other family events and activities and and those come first. You could see updates on our family if you follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Now on to a recipe you will want to Pin and make, especially if you like Mexican food. We have several favorite meals that we make a couple times a month. Mexican Taco Casserole is one of these family favorites and it is really easy to make. This is a recipe that I have made changes to through the years. I am going to post the original recipe, and then tell you the changes I make. I usually never follow recipes 100%. I use what I have on hand or make changes to taste.

Mexican Taco Casserole! So yummy and easy!

A Day at the Zoo!

This past Saturday we had a very beautiful and enjoyable day at the zoo! Our older children were working so we just took our youngest 5 children. It has been a couple of years since we have gone and everyone had a great time.


Do you think about your Bone Health?

There are so many people suffering from bone loss as they get older and people don’t realize they need to make sure they  are supporting their bone health while they are young to prevent issues as they get older.

Most people think that bones are hard, lifeless parts of their bodies. Actually bones are living organs full of blood and cells that are an active part of our overall health. Far from static, our bones are constantly rebuilding themselves and growing stronger or weaker depending on how active we are and how well we are supplying the nutrients they need.

It is a fact of life that our bones lose minerals as we age. Bone loss starts around 30 years old. If left unchecked, bone loss can lead to osteoporosis, a disease in which the bones lose minerals such as calcium until they become fragile and break easily.

What are the challenges?

Bringing Home the Bling: 2014 Sochi Olympics

Our family followed the Olympics for the last few weeks and were so proud to be associated with a great company like Shaklee, who had  24 athletes, 10 of which won medals, choose Shaklee for their health and performance products. Safe, effective, and easily available to everyone, from regular people, to weekend worriers, to Olympic athletes is what makes Shaklee so great.

We have trusted the Shaklee products for the passed 15 years for our family and we have never been healthier. Shaklee is the number one Natural Nutrition Company in the United States.

2014 Sochi Olymics Bringing Home the Bling

Healthier Living with Non-toxic Cleaners

Did you know that when you have conventional cleaners in the house, you also have a Toxic Brew in the house? We know a lot of people who are having many health issues that are directly linked to the cleaners that are in their home. We started using all natural Shaklee Cleaners 15 years ago and our children are healthy and our one daughter doesn’t break out in a rash anymore.

One of our favorite cleaners is the Scour Off paste. It is great for cleaning ovens, stove tops, sinks, tubs, cookware, and it did wonders on this tea pot.

Scour Off: Cleaning with no toxic chemicals and live a healthier life.

Parents of a Dozen Story

We are Doug and Sharon Heasley, “Parents of a Dozen!” Yes that’s correct, parents of 12 children. We have been married for over 30 years and couldn’t be any happier than the day we first met. We are the “High School Sweet Heart” couple.

Parents of a Dozen's Story!

We got married at 19, bought our first house that was really small and needed tons of work, had our first daughter at age 20, and had to have our friend buy beer for us if we wanted any until we were 21. Imagine that! But time has flown by and now we have three children married, two with families of their own, each having 4 children.